As Longfellow MUN Heads Into the 2021-22 School Year, New Secretariat is Soon to be Selected 

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RICHMOND, VA - Just days after the successful VIMUNC conference, three individual Longfellow delegates spontaneously registered on the Monday after to attend another Model UN Conference that same week, GSMUN. GSMUN, the Governer Schools Model UN Conference, is based in Richmond and run by Maggie Walker HS.

ANNANDALE, VA - As the date approaches for the 28th session of the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology's Model UN conference (otherwise known by its acronym, TechMUN), so too does the apprehensive wait as renowned delegates and skilled speakers from schools all over Virginia and beyond prepare to convene at the last conference...

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), World Bank Withdrawals, and GDP allocations. Those are the three most used funding mechanisms in Model UN. But how does UN funding really work, and how effective are these mechanisms?

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FALLS CHURCH, VA. The eighth session of the Virginia Invitational Conference, hosted by Langley High School successfully welcomed yet another conference highlighting the celebrated aspects of MUN -- diplomacy, leadership, and cooperation through fruitful debate and insightful resolutions by participants from all over Virginia.

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